Thursday, March 14, 2013

Trying Something New

Hello and wecome! Once again, I'm linking with Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches this week. (links on the right) I hope you will join in the fun!
This week was all about the sunrises here in South Carolina. I saw the prettiest one on Monday, and couldn't wait to come home from work and try painting it, this time in oils. For those who visit my blog, you may remember I tried painting sunsets in almost every medium, but I didn't have a chance to try oils. (you can read about it HERE.) So, here is my first attempt:

I've worked on it each day, so I'm not sure it's finished!
I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has been making this past week! Happy PPF and SS!


Netty said...

Loving your artwork Debbie, it looks fab in oils. Happy PPF, Annette x

Zue said...

It s lovely, Debbie. Oils for sunsets will be good as they can be so rich. I hope you do many more!

Anonymous said...

Lovely art work ~ think this medium works for you ~ enjoy ^_^

Mary C. Nasser said...

Beautiful, Debbie!
Love the colors!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Faye said...

Debbie, your sunrise is phenomenal! Such vivid colors.

Ivy said...

Love this Debbie! The progression of colors in the sunset is fabulous. HPPF!

Linda Kunsman said...

such a beautiful rendering of your sunset.Happy PPF!

Christine said...

LOVE your sunset!

kat said...

I really love the effect, so warming, the colors are beautiful!

aimee said...

Oh, this is so delightful! You captured the richness of a sunset so beautifully!

Unknown said...

Brilliant job. love the colours. I'm really That's a medium I just can't get my head around, so am always in awe of anyone who uses it... :)

Anne Manda said...

Beautiful sunset painting, you have captured so well the fascinating colors and light! <3

Unknown said...

Your sunset is lovely. We tend to have gorgeous sunrises where I live, but we don't often have these kinds of sunsets.

Lynn Cohen said...

I truly feel as though I am looking out at the most beautiful of sunsets! Bravo!

denthe said...

lovely strong colours!

Unknown said...

I love that you are trying them out in all mediums. Sounds like a really fun experiment!

Morph Waffle said...

How pretty, such lovely colors!

Tracey FK said...

sunsets are hard aren't they but you have handled this really well and your first go at oils makes it even more impressive... there is something about the smell of oil paint that immediately transports me back to art school... love the memories it evokes...xx

Tracey FK said...

whoops, sunrises not sunsets... have sunsets on my brain because I am listening to a song called sunsets as I write!!!

Unknown said...

Great work :) beautiful colours.
Have a great week!


Anonymous said...
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Felicity said...

superb! it is so difficult to paint a sunset :)