Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sister's Weekend and Birthday Party!

Last weekend, I went to MD (right outside DC) to have a birthday weekend for my sister who turned 50. I have 7 sisters, but only 5 of them made it for our first ever sister's weekend! (there are 12 siblings in my family...) I wanted to make something special and as promised, here is the painting I made for the birthday girl, Mary.

I painted us in birth order, and Mary is the 5th sister from the left. I'm the 4th. I loved making this painting so much, and seeing her face was worth all the hard work. Here she is opening the gift:

We had such a fun weekend, that we are already planning our next trip together.
I'm linking with Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches. (links on the right) I hope you will join me in seeing what other wonderful artists have been creating!
Happy Easter!!


GlorV1 said...

Hi Debbie. Awesome gift to your sister. It's a great painting and she looks like she is loving it. Happy Birthday to your sis. Happy PPF too.:)

denthe said...

Eight girls! that's a whole lot!! What a wonderful idea to make a painting for her! You can read from her expression that she loves it! said...

Wow, seven sisters! Its fantastic you all get together to share Mary's special day. The picture of her opening her gift is fabulous!

Netty said...

wow you are so lucky to have 7 sisters and a more gorgeous gift you couldn't have given them. Beautiful work.
Happy PPF and Happy Easter, Annette x

Debbie said...

You are lucky to have so many sisters! Wow! I have 3 sisters and we love to get together. What a wonderful gift. So much personality and fun in your painting!!

Linda Kunsman said...

wow- what a really fabulous gft for your sister's special birthday!!! It's such a fantastic and heartfelt painting.How nice that so many of you were able to get together too. Happy PPF and happy Easter!

Erika said...

Dear Debbie, your girls are just magical. I also like their beautiful dresses. A successful combination!
Hugs and HPPF

EVA said...

Wow! 7 sisters and 12 altogether. What a big family. A lovely and special gift for your sister!

Penny Lee StewArt said...

What a fabulous gift. I cannot imagine how wonderful it must be to have such a great family.

Unknown said...

I love all the patterns on the dresses and the movement of the heads. So fantastic!! Such a nice gift.

janice smith said...

How absolutely fun! I love your sister art so much!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Wow it must be wonderful coming from such a large family :)
Love the painting and your sister face says in a 1000 ways - she loved it!

sharon said...

That's a lot of girls! Lovely Painting for her.

Unknown said...

Debbie, that picture is so precious. A fantastic idea and wonderful gift.. xx
ps...growing up with all those siblings must have been fun and very noisy.

manomij said...

What a wonderful present! I would love this I bet it is great to have so many sisters :)
Manon x

PaintingWrite said...

That's some size of family! 12, wow! How lovely to have a sister's weeked for Mary's 50th and what a fantastic gift you painted her!

stefanie stark said...

This picture is a wonderful idea! So many pretty girls on a wonderful picture! It must be exciting to have so many sisters.

Anne Manda said...

It's a wonderful painting and gift: fun, creative, original and with lovely colors!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love your 'sister' painting and your art style ~ and so many siblings ~ Happy Day to you all ^_^

Christine said...

Debbie thanks for sharing this wonderful you have a large family and it's lovely that so many of you can get together like this.

Alicia C said...

wow, what a large family! And the gift is wonderful, I love the specificity of each image! swell

GalleryJuana said...

What a splendid gift! Love how you showed the progress from start to finish. Beautifully done.
visiting for sunday sketches.

WrightStuff said...

What a lovely big family you have! My friend is one of 12 too - at her wedding there were hundreds there and that was just close family!

Great to celebrate your sisters in art like this.