Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Sunday Sketches

Good morning and thank you for dropping by! I finished a painting last week and started on another one. The first one is similar to one I did in my journal, but it's now painted on an 8x10 wood canvas.

It has many layers of paper, paint, stamps and molding paste and was really fun to make!
This next painting is only about 1/2 way finished.

I started one like this, but didn't like where it was going, and I may just end up painting over it. I'm enjoying this new one so much more!
We had a big storm last night with large hail! Here is a picture of the hail we saw.

Hopefully we don't have any damage to our roof! Some of the hail was golf ball size! My son and his family lost power so they came over for a while.
Stop over to Sophia's blog to see other wonderful sketches! (The link is on the right)
I hope everything is going well for you all on this Sunday!


Fallingladies said...

oh, my gosh, that hail is huge! Thanks for sharing sketches AND hail!

Heather said...

WHOA!! That hail is crazy! Hope you are all safe. I have never seen anything like that...thanks for sharing.
I love your orange tulips and the vase. I like the 2nd pic. too, it's very peaceful!
enjoy your day, hope you have better weather today! :)xo

Azure Accessories said...

Love your work Debbie...

Oh my goodness...can't say as I've ever seen hail that size before?
Hopefully the warmer spring like weather is heading your way...

Marlene said...

Beautiful tulip, they shout Spring. Love the little house in the woods so far, hope to see it when it is finished. I have never seen hail that size,only in pictures. The largest I have see here is maybe 1/3 of an inch.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh geez, that is large hail!! I would have hate to been outside in that - ouch. I hope your roof is okay.
Lovely painting of the tulips. It is very spring :)
An interesting WIP, I am looking to see where you take it.

Kristin Dudish said...

Your first painting is so cheerful - the fun you had creating it definitely comes through!

I love the sky in your second one!

And... Wow! That hail is crazy!!!


Wanda's Wings said...

What hail! Hope your weather is better. Nice art work!

lissa said...

wonderful pieces and great use of colors.

have a great day.

Julia Christie said...

Yes that hail is way crazy! Holy crackitoli!!!

I just love your flower picture and the new one you have started has me totally captivated - I want to know who will be walking among those trees...

Great work!


Melisa said...

Wow, that's some big hail! I hope everyone had their vehicles in their garages! Lovely paintings. I really like the tulips. I saw some at the grocery store yesterday and almost came home with them. They always make it feel like spring to me.

Morph Waffle said...

Holy cow that's huge hail. Pretty tulips, don't paint over the second one, I really like it!

Helen said...

Lovely paintings and wow, that is big hail.

Christine said...

wow that's some hail! Those 2 pieces are lovely. Nice composition.

Deanna said...

I love the tulips! Very pretty. The other painting is looking good so far. No need to paint over it. lol.

We're due for a nasty storm some time tonight. Wonder if it's the same one. It was very warm here today and there's a cool front behind it so they say we have the perfect makings for a tornado. Fun stuff.

Teri said...

Love your springy tulips!
I had to look and see if you were in Wisconsin-they big hail today also.

Hannah said...

Amazing! Your tulips are lovely. Love the bright colour.

Sinderella's Studio said...

wow - hail rocks!!! Love tulips!!!
cheers, dana

Anonymous said...

Wow some amazingly large hail stones! Thew, hope you didn't have any damage!
Your tulips are amazing!

Unknown said...

OMG, that is huge hail.... love your sketches,,,

Trish said...

love your art!!!