Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Sketch

Good Morning! I had a stressful week, which is why I came up with this reminder that He is always with me.

I'm on vacation this week, so no stress going on now! :)
If you want to see other sketches, check out Sophia's blog. (see link on the right)
Have a wonderful day!


Heather said...

aaah, i like this. I am having a stressful day, here too! No photos posting on my blog!
sorry to hear your week was bad, enjoy your vacation though! xo

EVA said...

It also looks like the kind of sketch that would reduce your stress by the drawing of it! Well done!

Have a relaxing vacation!

Christine said...

enjoy your vaca...he is always with you! nice work.

Marlene said...

Sorry your week was stressful, take advantage of your vacation. I really love this sketch and it is also a great reminder.

Teri said...

Love the posture in this. Very comforting.

Morph Waffle said...

What a great reminder and sketch!

Melisa said...

This is a wonderful reminder. And I bet it helped!

Tammie Lee said...

yea vacation, have a lovely time.

nice to do a sketch that brings comfort to you~

Nelly said...

So uplifting. Just putting pen/paint to paper lifts my mood.

Reflections said...

Love the simple lines, yet a powerful message. Glad you are coming up on a stressfree week ahead.

Jehanne's doodles said...

This is a lovely sketch.

Jenn Bower said...

Very lovely sentiment. Nice to know another artist out there that taps into the Divine. Enjoy your vacation and I hope it is filled with lots of happy creating.

Azure Accessories said...

Love the sketch Debbie...hope you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation!!!


m7 said...

hmm..simple yet conveys the feelings quite so well.. bravo! :)