Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Sketch

Hi everyone! I've worked for several days on finishing my sketch from last week, so I don't have a new sketch. I may still make a few changes, but here is my painting so far.

A friend at work lost her father just before Christmas. One of the last things he said to her was that he saw birds in her eyes. As a Christian, she and I both thought about the holy spirit and think he might have seen a vision, just before leaving this earth. This was the inspiration for my painting.
I'm heading over to Sophia's to check out everyone's sketch! I hope you'll join me!


Julia Christie said...

Oh I just love how this turned out! It has a little bit of a folk feel to me...I love the fact that you had a story when you did this piece too.

This just makes me happy!


Marlene said...

I love it! She turned out wonderful and I loved the bird in her eye even before I read the story behind it, make the painting take on something special.

Morph Waffle said...

I really like your painting and lovely sentiment behind it!

WrightStuff said...

This is really special. I love how this turned out for you. Her face is really serene too.

Tammie Lee said...

this is such a lovely inspiration for your painting! How moving that the two of you thought the same thing about the bird. It is a dear piece.

lissa said...

great use of colors, it turned out just lovely

GalleryJuana said...

I love how you've interpreted the sad news into something hopeful and peaceful.

Jenny said...

What a beautiful painting, and such heartfelt sentiments behind lovely

Heather Foust said...

That is a beautiful story! Love this!

Denise G said...

This has deep meaning fo r me as well. I see birds as direct conduits to the spirits os our loved ones and the heavens beyond. Across the world and centureid this has been so for countless civlizations...How sweet that her father was able to tell his daughter and she knew they were coming to brign him safely home. I LOVE yoru painting! I felt the story before i read your passge. beautiufl!

Christine said...

oh your lovely painting is so inspired, it gives it extra meaning.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh that is just lovely. And your interpretation and the painting is wonderful.

gatheringwonder said...

this is very good - love the color and design

Reflections said...

Lovely! Turned out great.... and I like the bird in the eye... could have been a vision.

Helen said...

A lovely painting and I like how you have incorporated the bird in her eye. Very creative.

Heather said...

that's such a special story. you've captured a special memory here in a really lovely style! I love how you incorporated the bird into the eye! nice!

Kristin Dudish said...

This was beautiful from the start... then finding out the meaning behind it - amazing.


Anonymous said...

Love to see the things you make. And the daily snipps. I hope i wrote that the right way! I will look more often at your blog

Unknown said...

I like your painting....and the inspiration...

Azure Accessories said...

Beautiful Debbie...and the picture works perfectly with the story!
