Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Sketch

Hello everyone! Below is last weeks sketch now finished!

I saw the most beautiful sunrise on the way to work a couple of weeks ago, which inspired this painting. I only wish I could have pulled over and enjoyed the sight a little longer. The colors were so bright and vivid I couldn't help but appreciate God's work.
I'm still working on my new sketch, but here is what I have so far.

Hopefully I'll have time to finish it later today.
I can't wait to see what everyone else has been creating. I hope you'll join us over at Sophia's blog!


Diane said...

Beautiful Debbie--you just keep getting better and better!

Anonymous said...

Gr8 stuff ...
check out mine as well ..

Gumnut said...

I love the colours in this. Great perspective and great design. I like how you've separted out the bands of colour. very effective.

And the figure in the foreground is wistful and the tree stark.

Great work.

(who loves a great colour composition)

Terri said...

I love this one Debbie!

Marlene said...

Turned out beautifully, love the little bird in the tree.

Heather said...

Oh Debbie, the colors are amazing! This is just very well done. I love the contrast too of the sky and the trees! happy sunday! xoo

Morph Waffle said...

Looks cool, I love the silhouette of the tree, pretty colors!

Azure Accessories said...

Beautiful...the sky is gorgeous...I'm a huge fan of sunsets!!! The silhouette, tree & bird are the finishing touches!


WrightStuff said...

The colours in this are incredible - it works really well, telling a story.

m7 said...

ur sunrise turned out great!
and i see a li'l something in your new sketches eye :)

Julia Christie said...

Wow! This turned out just wonderfully! Love the sky - looking forward to sharing the finished version of your new sketch! Have a great Sunday!


Debbie said...

Thanks Ashish! I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but I had to pay a fee to sign up for a new blog?

Jehanne's doodles said...

oh this is beautiful!!

EVA said...

Lovely finished sunset!! wonderful colours! No wonder it stopped you!!

Your next sketch is starting off nicely!

Shayla said...

I love the new landscape style you are playing is so beautiful and very dramatic.

Tammie Lee said...

Your sunset is lovely and wonderful to see the beginning of a new piece. I love that, the beginning, well also the middle and completion!

Kristin Dudish said...

This is wonderful... I love the silhouette of the girl & tree set against the colorful sky!


Lenora said...

Isnt it amazing when you really look at the colours in nature - they are so so vivid so often - almost not real!

Helen said...

Lovely painting - sometimes we see the most beautiful skies that just take our breath away.

Reflections said...

Both beautiful images... can't wait to see the finished version of the new one!

Jane Davenport | Artomologist said...

Hi Debbie, this painting makes me want to catch this evenings sunset!
Thanks for visiting my Blog too!

Donna Heart said...

Hey Debbie,

thanks so much for visiting my blog - it's nice to know thatthere actually is someone 'out there' reading it lol! I love your sunset and especially the way the light radiates around the female figure - just gorgeous. Best of luck with the rest of your course too,
xxx Donna

Jennifer Snellings said...

Hi Debbie!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments!! :) It is so nice to "meet" you!

I love your blog! Your artwork is just beautiful and your message is lovely!! I too love the blessing of seeing God's amazing sunsets! It always illustrates and reminds me of the incredible artist He is!! Do you work in watercolors? You captured the sunset beautifully and I loved the silhouetted figure and tree!! :)

Take care,

Jackie said...

Hello Deb!
I have so been out of the blog loop with too many things going on!
I love your sketches. You're quite the artist!!!!