Friday, September 5, 2014

PPF and SS

Goodmorning! I haven't linked to PPF in such a long time, and I really miss everyone! Same with SS...I've only posted a couple of times during the summer. It's been a busy summer! I'm getting ready for the fall vendor show and here are a few things I've been working on: A mirror, picture frame,...
and 2 new boxes...
I really am having fun with new surfaces to be creative with. The best news in the last week in our town; we got a new Michael's and it's right down the street from where I live! (well, good news for me, not such good news for my husband. lol!)
I'm linking with Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches. Have a wonderful week all!


Valerie-Jael said...

Nice to see you again! Lovely things, and have fun at Michael's! Valerie

Claire said...

Love the mirror especially - really lovely work :)
Have a fab Friday and Happy PPF!!

Twist of Pink said...

Pretty work & those Fall shows will be upon us soon! Happy PPF!

Neesie said...

Great creations Debbie,
I've only just started to visit PPF but having a great time.
Everyone is so giving and there's masses of inspiration too.
Happy PPF

Giggles said...

Beautiful...just be sure to print off coupons for Micheal's every time you go ...then at least you can get 40 or 50 percent off at least one item!! That can be a substantial savings!

Hugs Giggles

DVArtist said...

Very nice work. Glad to see you back. Good luck with the fall shows.

Tracey FK said...

Those boxes are fabulous... and good luck with the store down the road... they may need to send in search parties to find you!!!

denthe said...

Those boxes are really cute, and I love the frame!

sharon said...

Love those boxes! Good luck with the shows.

GalleryJuana said...

looks like some lovely items you'll have for the fall vendor show. nice to see you again! visiting from ss.

Christine said...

the boxes look like beautiful canvases. Nice work on the mirror and frame too.

Unknown said...

Oh what painting on different sufaces. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Micheal's WOW love that place. ;)

Happy Sunday Sketches!
xo Tam Hess

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Welcome back! I love the decorative painting you've been working on lately. They would make great gifts. I would be dangerous too, if I had a Michael's store close by - LOL! Blessings.

Lisabella Russo said...

What a lovely frame! Your paintings are so delicate and beautiful! There's a Michael's pretty close to me too, I think I'm going there later today... Ah the temptations...

Beth Niquette said...

I really like these--they're all beautiful.