Friday, March 14, 2014

PPF and SS

Good morning! I switched from watercolor to acrylics this week, and played on a big canvas.
This painting has gone through so many changes, who knows what it will look like when I'm finished!
I'll be on vacation for a few days. I'm heading to Florida to see my mom and sisters.
I should still have time to visit you if you leave a comment.
Have a wonderful weekend!


Valerie-Jael said...

This is gorgeous! I love seeing how pictures change when they are being painted. Valerie

Studio Kaufmann said...

This has a wonderfully uplifting spiritual feel. Beautiful colors! Happy PPF

Paper rainbow said...

Lovely colours and I too feel it is a very spiritual painting.

GlorV1 said...

Looks awesome so far. The colors are great Debbie. Happy PPF!

denthe said...

Oh wow, the colors .... Great work!

*jean* said...

very nice progress so far...happy PPF

Saskia said...

Beautiful canvas!!

Smiles, Saskia :)

Unknown said...

Looks very nice, and the colours you've been using are very calming and happy.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful Springtime look to your creative painting ~ xxx

artmusedog and carol

GalleryJuana said...

love the blossoming tree! enjoy your vacation and visit with family.
visiting from sunday sketches.

Abigail Davidson said...

Lovely brushstrokes and colors! Happy PPF!

Lorraine said...

love the colours

Lynn Cohen said...

Pretty colors Debbie. Have a wonderful visit with family!

Kim said...

lovely, so colourful and warm. Happy SS

GalleryJuana said...

love the flower and portrait art and great job on the painting!