Saturday, May 19, 2012

Picture for my Daughter

Hello all! I'm starting my post for Sunday Sketches early, since we will be on the road to my daughter's tomorrow. I'm taking her this painting:
If you remember the painting I was making for my husbands birthday, this one looks a lot like it. He liked it with just the blue background and branch, so it's hanging up in our kitchen! I really wanted to put birds on it, so I made this painting as a gift for Tori! I worked a little more on my oil painting too!
I'll be heading over to Alexandra's blog to see what the other wonderful artists have been creating this week! I hope you'll join me on Sunday! Have a great week!


Christine said...

It looks so good with the birds, so cute!

Tammie Lee said...

the birds are so cute, i can only guess that she will love it. your oil painting is coming along nicely. i have never tried oil paint.

WrightStuff said...

I love the heavy sky in the bottom one. Brooding.

I keep wanting to paint birds lately. I've been collecting lots of pictures but not actually made a start!

Melisa said...

What a sweet birdie family! The oil painting is coming along nicely, too. Aren't oils wonderful? If you continue to love them you might want to try the Winsor & Newton water miscable oils. They dry much faster and you can clean up with water instead of turp. Some other brands have them now, too, but I've only tried the W&N.

Heather said...

love the birds and the simplicity of the painting!

Joni Nickrent said...

So TWEET! Your oil painting turned out beautifully!

Molly said...

I love that blue background. it looks like your bird family has gotten together for a midnight party! how fun! i'm sure your daughter will love it.

carol l mckenna said...

Love the birds ~ elegant and well done and progress work looks like it is going to be great ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Tracey FK said...

I like the two birds very much and really look forward to seeing the other canvas once it is done... so much promise there...xx

Sabina said...

What sweet looking little birdies. And keep up the good work with the oils.

Lisa Richards said...

Enjoy your painting! It's fun to give away creations, isn't it? I bet your family will cherish these bits of yourself.