Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Hello and Happy Sunday! I'm a little late posting today, because we went to church then to see a movie. I played in my journal yesterday and used some pan pastels that I bought last year but only used 1 other time.

I also used them on this canvas which still needs to be finished:

I really liked the pan pastels...they go on dry and really make a creamy background. You just have to remember to spray them with a fixative when you're finished.
I'm off to see what everyone else submitted for Sunday Sketches! I hope you'll join us!


lissa said...

love all the orange, such a cheerful color.

have a lovely day.

Christine said...

the pastels do look nice, I wouldn't even think of using pastels on canvas.

apinkdreamer said...

a wonderful and so joyful journal page!!!!

Heather said...

i agree with the girls, this looks so pretty with the colors and the pastels look very cool- i love that they are smooth, must be fun to use! hope you enjoyed your movie

Morph Waffle said...

Pretty, love the colors!

EVA said...

Great journal page! Wonderful colours.

Kristin Dudish said...

The textures you have been creating are wonderful! (And I love the way the lines of the flower and bird cage look set against them!)


Azure Accessories said...

Great colors and textural feel to do that very well!

Diane said...

Wonderful--ah yes--pan pastels on my list to try!

Kelly said...

Very nice Sunday Sketches. I love the Pan Pastels too! They are so rich and creamy, but dry - lol, if that makes sense.

Kristin Aquariann said...

Great colors!