Sunday, May 2, 2010

Revised April Painting

Something seemed to be missing from this painting, and when I saw my jar of these:

I knew they needed to be added!

There! That's better! :-)
I'm trying to get my Sunday Sketch done, so hopefully I'll have more to post later.


Doris Sturm said...

wow - how did you do that? that looks so good - and wet ;-)

Nicola said...

Wow this is so cute and I've never seen Dew drops in a jar before how cool! With your emails I don't seem to have recieved any of them. I'm having trouble receiving another lady's emails too and I don' really know why. I've received others. The other thing I can suggest would be to contact me through my etsy shop, you can message me on there, there is a link to my shop on my blog :0)

Azure Accessories said...

What a great touch Debbie...I didn't feel as though there was anything missing from your painting but the "dew drops" add a little something extra...

Love it...