Hello dear friends, I've been away for a while, working on the vendor fairs then Christmas. I've really missed my blog friends, and today I am linking with SS. Below is a painting I've been working on, I think it's almost finished.
The vendor fairs were fun, but only 1 of them was really worth the time and table fee. All in all, I made enough from the 3 shows to pay for my husbands ear phones he wanted, so I considered the time spent a success.
On the sad side, we have had a family fight and we didn't see my son during the holidays. As with most cases its very complicated and I won't go into detail, but we miss him and his family.
On the bright side, we spent Christmas with my daughter and her in-laws for a really fun Christmas! Here are a few of the pictures from the visit:
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year!